Frequently Asked Questions
Canberra Women’s Football Inc
What are the details of the not-for-profit entity?
The intended entity, Canberra Women’s Football, will be aimed at advancing women in the sport of association football [soccer] in the Australian Capital Territory and region, representing players, referees, coaches, administrators, and other participants at all levels.
CWF will be committed to advocating for women in football by promoting their inclusion, development, and better resourcing. We strive to uphold positive values, including equitable rights and opportunities, while establishing supportive networks and facilitating programs to inspire individuals at all levels. Additionally, we engage with various stakeholders to advance women in football and foster friendly relations within the football community, while providing support for personal and professional development initiatives.
Have you been in contact with Capital Football? (April)
The Save Canberra United (SCU) working group is comprised of dedicated volunteers whose efforts are aimed at securing the future of Canberra United. SCU have actively engaged with Capital Football (CF) since the initial petition was circulated to all CF board members on Monday, March 25th. Despite challenges in communication, SCU has persisted in asking for clarification on previous fundraising efforts and urgently requested meetings with key stakeholders. Our initial conversation with a CF board member (Angelo Konstantinou) on Tuesday, April 2nd, indicated a shared goal and commitment to securing funding for the future of Canberra United. SCU has concluded a week of thorough research and due diligence, paving the way for the development of a preferred funding model. Subsequent email exchanges on Thursday April 4th have led to an agreement for a meeting with CF ( CEO, Samantha Farrow and Board Director, Angelo Konstantinou) on Monday April 8th, to discuss SCU’s proposed initiatives. SCU would like to emphasise that we have sought collaboration from CF in all conversations. It is our understanding that both parties remain committed to finding a mutually beneficial solution for the continued success of Canberra United.
What's next?
The injection of a one-off payment from the ACT Gov is a (very welcome) short-term solution. The inequity of funding for women’s sporting teams in Canberra is astounding, and something we plan to focus our efforts on in the long-term.
Every action of this campaign has strengthened our efforts in pushing for more ACT and federal government support for women in sport.
The Save Canberra United campaign
Is Canberra United really “Saved”?
Capital Football has confirmed that Canberra United will be supported to compete in the 2024/25 season of the A-Leagues competition.
What does this mean?
It means that Canberra United will field a team in season 17, 2024/25.
This was our number one priority!
However, this funding reaches the bare minimum required to field a team.
Is it enough money? (April)
The injection of $200,000 from the ACT Government, along with our crowd-funded $70,000 has given Capital Football confidence that the full $300,000 deficit will be covered before the season begins.
We still need a minimum of $30,000 more to reach the required amount to cover all the expenses of a season with minimal resources – so we are still raising funds.
Is it sustainable?
The injection of a one-off payment from the ACT Gov is a (very welcome) short-term solution. The inequity of funding for women’s sporting teams in Canberra is astounding, and something we plan to focus our efforts on in the long-term.
Every action of this campaign has strengthened our efforts in pushing for more ACT and federal government support for women in sport.
Fundraising efforts
I want to donate, how will the funds be used?
All donations will go directly to supporting Canberra United and elite women’s football – this means that your donation will go towards covering all the necessary parts of a successful professional team that contribute to our players being the best they can be. This includes, coaching and support staff, training facilities, uniforms, performance support, accommodation, meals and nutrition, transport, and other wraparound support. Most importantly we get to keep Canberra United connected to their community – us, their fans and supporters.
What happens if you don’t raise enough money?
If we are not successful in getting Canberra United to the 24/25 season, any funds raised will be redirected to support elite women’s football in Canberra, safeguarded by the establishment of a not-for-profit entity to ensure transparency and accountability. This incorporated association will not be a subsidiary or branch of Capital Football, but a separate entity. This could still include coaching and support staff, training facilities, uniforms, performance support, accommodation, meals and nutrition, transport, and other wraparound support for elite women footballers in Canberra, or it may mean the funds are held until a Canberra United women’s team is reinstated into the A-Leagues competition.
Do we pay our players enough?
Canberra United is only just hitting the lower bracket of the minimum salary cap, which means most players are currently receiving the lowest possible salary amount.
Necessary supports for a professional, elite team are currently at a bare minimum. To provide the necessary support to players and be competitive in the league, there needs to be a bigger investment of funds in Canberra United.